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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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All I know is Marty Schottenheimer would have called the second half playing calling ultra conservative. Hell, I think Vick only threw a few passes further than 5 yards the entire game.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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He had to go for it and Phil Simms is an idiot. Scooby wasn't hitting anything and asking him to make a 51 yarder with the game on the line, that wasn't happening. Also on one of his misses a defender got his hand on the ball. It's more on the offense who once again came away taking 3's (or trying to) instead of making 7's. Also the run defense was horrible.

Heck, the defender got a hand on one he made. I thought maybe that's why it went through...........


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2014
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Some will find this funny and some won't. Saw it on another site

From the makers of Oxiclean, we've got a new product for all of you!
It’s called "Blame Tomlin!"

Anytime anything ever goes wrong, don’t admit that the player that is paid lots of money to execute a standard play actually didn’t get the job done. Just use, "Blame Tomlin!"

Scobee misses kicks?
- Blame Tomlin!

Offense commits lots of penalties?
- Blame Tomlin!

Suisham gets hurt?
- Blame Tomlin! (Literally, someone made that an article.)

Players get suspended for smoking weed?
- Blame Tomlin!

Leading receiver drop a touchdown pass?
- Blame Tomlin!

You can also use our product for non-football related situations that may inconvenience you.

Rising gas prices?
- Blame Tomlin!

Running late for work?
- Blame Tomlin!

Forgot to set reservations for a date?
- You guessed it; Blame Tomlin!

You see? It works! Everything that ever happens can easily be Tomlin’s fault for a low price of $9.99. But wait! Order now and we’ll double your order FOR FREE!

Now you can blame Tomlin TWICE for the same mishap! Think of the fun!

Order now!

("Blame Tomlin" is not responsible if your date gets upset at you for failing to set reservations. It also cannot be held liable if you are still fired for being chronically late for work. Please use with caution pending on if your boss is also a Steelers fan who blames illogical things on Tomlin.)


Well-known member
May 9, 2014
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LP in the burgh
Some will find this funny and some won't. Saw it on another site

From the makers of Oxiclean, we've got a new product for all of you!
It’s called "Blame Tomlin!"

Anytime anything ever goes wrong, don’t admit that the player that is paid lots of money to execute a standard play actually didn’t get the job done. Just use, "Blame Tomlin!"

Scobee misses kicks?
- Blame Tomlin!

Offense commits lots of penalties?
- Blame Tomlin!

Suisham gets hurt?
- Blame Tomlin! (Literally, someone made that an article.)

Players get suspended for smoking weed?
- Blame Tomlin!

Leading receiver drop a touchdown pass?
- Blame Tomlin!

You can also use our product for non-football related situations that may inconvenience you.

Rising gas prices?
- Blame Tomlin!

Running late for work?
- Blame Tomlin!

Forgot to set reservations for a date?
- You guessed it; Blame Tomlin!

You see? It works! Everything that ever happens can easily be Tomlin’s fault for a low price of $9.99. But wait! Order now and we’ll double your order FOR FREE!

Now you can blame Tomlin TWICE for the same mishap! Think of the fun!

Order now!

("Blame Tomlin" is not responsible if your date gets upset at you for failing to set reservations. It also cannot be held liable if you are still fired for being chronically late for work. Please use with caution pending on if your boss is also a Steelers fan who blames illogical things on Tomlin.)

You have to admit, in games vs the Ravens the Steelers typically play super conservative... the few games they went aggressive at them they either blew them out or won in an upset... The one constant there has been Tomlin...

Look, I think most coaches are mediocre and have flaws... I think Tomlin has some big ones... cowher did too. you cant whitewash them just cause you like the guy... there were a ton of dumb decisions in that game, turtling late... turtling early, going for it on the 40 in Ot with a vick roll out that was telegraphed... he deserves the second most blame in that game after scobee


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2014
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Not disagreeing - but, how many "HC's" approve every offensive play call BEFORE it gets called in??? Just wondering...

So Tomlin found out the same time we all did that Vick was going to run that keeper, or that quick out to Brown? **** that. Even if that's true, given the game circumstances and potential season implications, that's no better than him actually approving it. **** Mike Tomlin.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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Quick observation...

How long has Ben been in Coach Haley's system? (Years). Now how about Mike Vick? (Weeks)

How many days of practice and preparation did Mike Vick have for last night's game?? (Two days)

Oh, now I see your point!!!


With 1:59 left, the steelers had a 99.2% chance of winning. ( It was 99. Something as reported on the radio feed )

You have to really want to try and lose a game you only have a .8% chance of losing.

To your point Tomlin and Haley should have given it to Bell twice, not ask a new player ( Vick ) to throw and run it. Agreed?!


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2014
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With 1:59 left, the steelers had a 99.2% chance of winning. ( It was 99. Something as reported on the radio feed )

You have to really want to try and lose a game you only have a .8% chance of losing.

To your point Tomlin and Haley should have given it to Bell twice, not ask a new player ( Vick ) to throw and run it. Agreed?!

99.82% chance of winning.

1st and 10 at BAL 29

(2:04) C.Hubbard reported in as eligible. L.Bell left guard to BLT 28 for 1 yard (L.Guy).

Two-Minute Warning

2nd and 9 at BAL 28

(1:59) L.Bell left tackle to BLT 24 for 4 yards (C.Mosley).

Timeout #2 by BLT at 01:51.

3rd and 5 at BAL 24

(1:51) L.Bell up the middle to BLT 23 for 1 yard (B.Williams).

Timeout #2 by PIT at 01:06.

4th and 4 at BAL 23

(1:06) (Field Goal formation) J.Scobee 41 yard field goal is No Good, Wide Left, Center-G.Warren, Holder-J.Berry.

Two things.. that two minute warning really hurt us by the ref putting time back on the clock. Second, Scobee should be able to make a 41yd FG to basically end the game.

I don't know how a HC can really play that scenario much differently. Most HCs are going to do the same thing.
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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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I don't understand the "conservative" argument. Going for it on 4th down isn't conservative. Hell if they had played conservative and punted they probably win.

Tomlin is responsible because they took a TO before going for it and went over the play. All HCs are involved in these decisions and have the final say. It's ultimately his decision and he wanted the game in Vick's hands rather than Bell's. Why? I have no idea. It is a mirror image of what the Seahawks did in the SB. Just give the ball to Lynch and you win the game. But the HC decided to get cute. Carol was blamed for the call and Tomlin should be blamed for this call.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2014
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You have to admit, in games vs the Ravens the Steelers typically play super conservative... the few games they went aggressive at them they either blew them out or won in an upset... The one constant there has been Tomlin...

Look, I think most coaches are mediocre and have flaws... I think Tomlin has some big ones... cowher did too. you cant whitewash them just cause you like the guy... there were a ton of dumb decisions in that game, turtling late... turtling early, going for it on the 40 in Ot with a vick roll out that was telegraphed... he deserves the second most blame in that game after scobee

And what exactly leads you to believe I like the guy. I don't know him from a can of paint.. I watch the games and disagree with calls like everybody else. I just will never be a blame the coach for every little aspect. Players play. Players have to execute. I was like that under Cowher. I'm like that now. Just because I don't agree with the call or would of done something different doesn't make that man stupid or an idiot. That's what I don't agree with.

What was dumb?? The kicker missing kicks influenced every decision. He makes kicks there are no decisions. The playcalls? Players execute. Vick hits Brown game over. The QB sweep if Vick turns up sooner he gets the first. Should they have given the ball to Bell? Maybe I thought so said so in the game thread. No guarantee though he was fighting for every yard he got last nite. If he was stuffed there would still be bitching I'm sure. Maybe punt on the 4th and 2 all hindsight. I'm aggressive and honestly never gave thought to punting one play to win the game I take it. If they punt and the Ravens drive down the field bitching about not have any balls occurs. Bottom line if kicks are made and TDs are caught we win this game.


Apr 17, 2014
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Then we need a HEAD Coach, not a PR spokesperson for press conferences.

it's a news ?
i mean only the rooney and somebody here still doesn't understand in wich hands we are in at the moment ..the only problem would be to find someone better around and it's not a gimmie .but tomlin is unable to carrie a team like us it's a marvin lewis 2.0 maybe in twenty years he will have some experience


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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I don't understand the "conservative" argument. Going for it on 4th down isn't conservative. Hell if they had played conservative and punted they probably win.

Tomlin is responsible because they took a TO before going for it and went over the play. All HCs are involved in these decisions and have the final say. It's ultimately his decision and he wanted the game in Vick's hands rather than Bell's. Why? I have no idea. It is a mirror image of what the Seahawks did in the SB. Just give the ball to Lynch and you win the game. But the HC decided to get cute. Carol was blamed for the call and Tomlin should be blamed for this call.

Oh they went full retard the last 4 minutes/OT, but the rest of the half was pretty mundane. A couple sustained drives to kill some clock and change field position should have iced it. I hate it when they throttle down after getting a decent lead and then when things get tight, they think they can just turn it back on; it never works out.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Oh they went full retard the last 4 minutes/OT, but the rest of the half was pretty mundane. A couple sustained drives to kill some clock and change field position should have iced it. I hate it when they throttle down after getting a decent lead and then when things get tight, they think they can just turn it back on; it never works out.

I don't think they changed much at all. Vick isn't in game shape and he got tired. They played close to the vest in the first half and did fine. You didn't see Vick slinging it down field then. The rats adjusted and the Steelers didn't.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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I don't think they changed much at all. Vick isn't in game shape and he got tired. They played close to the vest in the first half and did fine. You didn't see Vick slinging it down field then. The rats adjusted and the Steelers didn't.

Probably right. The second half was just brutal to watch; you could just feel the impending doom.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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I'm watching now, when we stopped the Rats on a QB sneak with four minutes left it should have been a wrap. There were a myriad of things that ended up costing us the game involving players and coaches. Brown HAS to catch that TD pass. Nobody is making a better throw than that and he flat out blew it. The coverage was good, but a guy at his level has to make that play in a big game.

Our kicker has to make kicks an average kicker makes.

Mike Vick was solid to me, but the one big throw he missed on the last drive to end it was the biggest one of the game.

The defense, with their only weapon really (Steve Smith) couldn't stop the ******* run the second half to save their life. They played a damn good game, but it was embarrassing the entire second half how they ran up and down the field.

There are plenty of times I hate Tomlins in game strategy because it is Pop Warner level. Last night was no exception in a couple spots. They HAVE to open it up some or this team will struggle to beat anybody. As great as Bell is you have to be able to throw the ball in today's NFL to win games. That 49 yard FG attempt was ******* stupid. If you feel like a punt won't net you enough, just go for it. You did it on a two point conversion from the damn 12 once, why is this different?

The call before the FG Coates has to catch that pass, he was the guy Vick saw open, I doubt seriously they said hey let's throw to the rookie like some have implied.

This is one of those games that you had won. If Scobee is employed by Saturday our GM needs to be shot with a rifle at close range. He is ***. The pick we gave up for him to me isn't the issue and just the normal piling on around here. We got Brown that late, but we whiff on bums like Jarvis on the regular too. Had the **** head made one of those kicks last night that alone was worth a late pick. He choked. By the way, they need to do whatever they have to do to get a real kicker. We haven't ever had an elite kicker, last night is exhibit A how important they are. The Rats have one of the best, it won them the game.

Tackle ******* Forsett when you have him stopped in the back field at the end of regulation and at least Tucker has to hit one from 50 and not 42. Another example of us not tackling.

Instead of us ending their season we put a real big dent in our own. They weren't the better team, they just played a better all around game. After watching it I'm glad I was at work.


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2014
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I'm watching now, when we stopped the Rats on a QB sneak with four minutes left it should have been a wrap. There were a myriad of things that ended up costing us the game involving players and coaches. Brown HAS to catch that TD pass. Nobody is making a better throw than that and he flat out blew it. The coverage was good, but a guy at his level has to make that play in a big game.

Our kicker has to make kicks an average kicker makes.

Mike Vick was solid to me, but the one big throw he missed on the last drive to end it was the biggest one of the game.

The defense, with their only weapon really (Steve Smith) couldn't stop the ******* run the second half to save their life. They played a damn good game, but it was embarrassing the entire second half how they ran up and down the field.

There are plenty of times I hate Tomlins in game strategy because it is Pop Warner level. Last night was no exception in a couple spots. They HAVE to open it up some or this team will struggle to beat anybody. As great as Bell is you have to be able to throw the ball in today's NFL to win games. That 49 yard FG attempt was ******* stupid. If you feel like a punt won't net you enough, just go for it. You did it on a two point conversion from the damn 12 once, why is this different?

The call before the FG Coates has to catch that pass, he was the guy Vick saw open, I doubt seriously they said hey let's throw to the rookie like some have implied.

This is one of those games that you had won. If Scobee is employed by Saturday our GM needs to be shot with a rifle at close range. He is ***. The pick we gave up for him to me isn't the issue and just the normal piling on around here. We got Brown that late, but we whiff on bums like Jarvis on the regular too. Had the **** head made one of those kicks last night that alone was worth a late pick. He choked. By the way, they need to do whatever they have to do to get a real kicker. We haven't ever had an elite kicker, last night is exhibit A how important they are. The Rats have one of the best, it won them the game.

Tackle ******* Forsett when you have him stopped in the back field at the end of regulation and at least Tucker has to hit one from 50 and not 42. Another example of us not tackling.

Instead of us ending their season we put a real big dent in our own. They weren't the better team, they just played a better all around game. After watching it I'm glad I was at work.

I agree with most of your post. I will say, the loss sucked but I don't think it's a big dent in our season. We pretty much always split with the Ravens.. We play them again in December and it's not going to be Vick at QB. Our defense will continue to improve and we will be in the race come December.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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The rats adjusted and the Steelers didn't.
Wait a minute. Are you suggesting that coach Tomlin and the coordinators didn't come up with appropriate adjustments at halftime? I'm confounded!

I don't think it's a big dent in our season.
I love that positivity. After all, it's just a conference and a division game. (Our only division game so far.) We have another conference game against a much better opponent coming up. But Hey, we'll be FINE. Soon we have another division game against the Bengals who are about 3 times better than the Ravens and clearly about 4 times better than what the coaching staff showed last night, but that's no dent in the Steeler's season.

It's only a game folks. You simply can't let it overwhelm your life.


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2014
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Wait a minute. Are you suggesting that coach Tomlin and the coordinators didn't come up with appropriate adjustments at halftime? I'm confounded!

I love that positivity. After all, it's just a conference and a division game. ]Our only division game so far.) We have another conference game against a much better opponent coming up. But Hey, we'll be FINE.Soon we have another division game against the Bengals who are about 3 times better than the Ravens and clearly about 4 times better than what the coaching staff showed last night, but that's no dent in the Steeler's season.

It's only a game folks. You simply can't let it overwhelm your life.

Did we already lose those games?.. and I expect Ben to be back for the Bengals game, you still like Bengals in that game? I don't if Ben is healthy and ready.
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Well-known member
May 9, 2014
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Tomlin proves once again that he cnnot put a game away.

He could have put the ravens down. But no. This is the worst "coaching loss" I have ever seen. Fire him now. This is Tomlins loss


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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I agree with most of your post. I will say, the loss sucked but I don't think it's a big dent in our season. We pretty much always split with the Ravens.. We play them again in December and it's not going to be Vick at QB. Our defense will continue to improve and we will be in the race come December.

Won't their defense continue to improve? Also since they were missing their starting TE, Smith was hurt as well as Campanaro can't they be better?


A Legend In My Spare Time
Apr 8, 2014
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At Fault for this game :

1) Josh Scobee
2) Michael Vick
3) Todd Haley
4) Keith Butler
5) Mike Tomlin

Coaches can't be blamed for the players' execution.
Coaches can only be blamed for scheme/play calling.

After Scobee misses two kicks from less than 50 you want Tomlin to trot him out again for a 50 yarder to win?
Dog Killa Mike overthrows Antonio on the sideline to keep the drive alive but somehow this is not Vick's problem?
Or his doing his best Ben impersonation and holding onto the ball FAR too long only to take multiple sacks at the worst possible times, that's a Tomlin problem?

I get it.
The team literally snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
We kept letting Baltimore hang around and not go for the jugular.
We got away from what was working ( that is on the coaches ), but at the very end, those missed field goals, the overthrows from the QB who can't read a D and goes from his first progression to running were the two biggest culprits last night.
Yes, coaches deserve some blame, but not as much as Scobee, Vick, and the countless LBs and DBs that can't wrap up and tackle.

BTW................man are Tuitt and Heyward just AWESOME!

Steel G

Well-known member
Apr 14, 2014
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Coaches can only be blamed for scheme/play calling.

Really? Who puts what players in what formations? Who determines the depth charts? Who was responsible for not having another serious QB in camp early when clearly Gradkowski was not healthy? What about clock management, who's responsible for that, Art Rooney? What about situational football, of which Tomlin oft talks about, where does that blame lie? When guys like Thomas continually show that they are at worst a total liability and at best, waste of a roster spot, who is it that determines if they stay on the team? I guess coaches just stand around and go, well, these guys suck and don't execute, there's **** all for us to do!


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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It's mostly Tomlin's fault. He's the HC and he is the one that signed off on the two stupid plays. You don't need a FG... punt the damn ball. Make them drive the length of the field and try to tie it. You don't put the game in the hands of a guy that EVERYBODY admits only had 2 days to practice and isn't up to game speed. That's on the coaches NOT the players. IF that had been Ben playing QB then fine I get it. I'll go down with my best players... Vick isn't close to your best offensive player. So you give it to Bell and live with it.