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Meanwhile at my old high school...


Active member
Apr 9, 2014
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I like how they said it was a spelling error-laden anti-gay rant when the spelling errors were using u instead of you and totaller is an acceptable spelling... it was just a joke made in poor taste and not an angry rant either... yellow journalism at its finest...

Bill s55

Active member
Apr 8, 2014
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I like how they used a picture of him with Bush from 10 years ago to start the article.

He must be a dirty dirty homophobe Republican.



Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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Interlachen, Florida
I like how they used a picture of him with Bush from 10 years ago to start the article.

He must be a dirty dirty homophobe Republican.


Academia has the new normal covered. Many times over the years the "radical Right" has tried to re-brand itself by arguing common sense and rule of law, only to be shouted down by Leftist loons and PC police hiding in the closets of our education buildings .

The Bundy case has more closet dwellers and esteemed politicians peeking out and professing their version of events to thwart dissent before it catches on. Many years have been spent to move us all in a leftwardly path and they damn sure don't want any regression. From Connecticut College. we hear...

The weekend showdown marked the latest resurgence of violent, anti-government sentiments that have existed in rural America for centuries, said Catherine Stock, a history professor at Connecticut College who specializes in rural militias.

"The question is whether we're going to see sustained flame-up now. We could see more of that if they actually think that the federal government is going to stand down," she said.

"It's not the groups, it's not their concerns, it's not their anger, all of that is old, but the federal government backing down? I was like, wow! Seriously?"

Stock said the rise of right-wing media outlets and websites and the election of Republican politicians who have shifted the party further to the right have given a new legitimacy to groups that were once dismissed as being on the fringee

Can't have that 'shifting to the right' stuff...too many people have suffered progressive bumps along the way to relent now so the dottering old fools in our Gubmint will brand people as terrorists if you don't agree.

During a ‘Hashtags & Headlines’ event at the Paris Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Reid referred to Bundy supporters as “Nothing more than domestic terrorists,” adding, “I repeat: what happened there was domestic terrorism.”

I'll admit one thing, Lefties can do some "name callin'" now...they got that part of the game covered.

So listen up ya right wing racist, homophobic, women hatin', Jew boys. Climate change is settled, Socialism is the answer, deviants and nerdowells need support from all of us and white anti-gay men are evil ******** bound for extinction, so sit the **** down and shut up already.

Rod Farva

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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60 miles NE of the 'Burgh
Academia has the new normal covered. Many times over the years the "radical Right" has tried to re-brand itself by arguing common sense and rule of law, only to be shouted down by Leftist loons and PC police hiding in the closets of our education buildings .

The Bundy case has more closet dwellers and esteemed politicians peeking out and professing their version of events to thwart dissent before it catches on. Many years have been spent to move us all in a leftwardly path and they damn sure don't want any regression. From Connecticut College. we hear...

The weekend showdown marked the latest resurgence of violent, anti-government sentiments that have existed in rural America for centuries, said Catherine Stock, a history professor at Connecticut College who specializes in rural militias.

"The question is whether we're going to see sustained flame-up now. We could see more of that if they actually think that the federal government is going to stand down," she said.

"It's not the groups, it's not their concerns, it's not their anger, all of that is old, but the federal government backing down? I was like, wow! Seriously?"

Stock said the rise of right-wing media outlets and websites and the election of Republican politicians who have shifted the party further to the right have given a new legitimacy to groups that were once dismissed as being on the fringee

Can't have that 'shifting to the right' stuff...too many people have suffered progressive bumps along the way to relent now so the dottering old fools in our Gubmint will brand people as terrorists if you don't agree.

During a ‘Hashtags & Headlines’ event at the Paris Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Reid referred to Bundy supporters as “Nothing more than domestic terrorists,” adding, “I repeat: what happened there was domestic terrorism.”

I'll admit one thing, Lefties can do some "name callin'" now...they got that part of the game covered.

So listen up ya right wing racist, homophobic, women hatin', Jew boys. Climate change is settled, Socialism is the answer, deviants and nerdowells need support from all of us and white anti-gay men are evil ******** bound for extinction, so sit the **** down and shut up already.

Man do we need a karma button! Perhaps professor Stock would have preferred another mass murder ala the Branch Davidian catastrophe.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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Interlachen, Florida
Perhaps professor Stock would have preferred another mass murder ala the Branch Davidian catastrophe.

Preferred it ?....." but the federal government backing down? I was like, wow! Seriously?"
I was like, sounds to me like she expected it.

Ron Burgundy

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2014
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Rochester, PA
Stock said the rise of right-wing media outlets and websites and the election of Republican politicians who have shifted the party further to the right have given a new legitimacy to groups that were once dismissed as being on the fringe

Can't have that 'shifting to the right' stuff...too many people have suffered progressive bumps along the way to relent now so the dottering old fools in our Gubmint will brand people as terrorists if you don't agree.

Considering that our last two Presidential candidates were McCain and Romney and Boehner's go along to get along attitude, I'm hard pressed to see where the GOP is moving to the right except in the imaginations of the Leftist media.
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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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Interlachen, Florida
Stock said the rise of right-wing media outlets and websites and the election of Republican politicians who have shifted the party further to the right have given a new legitimacy to groups that were once dismissed as being on the fringee[/I].

Can't have that 'shifting to the right' stuff...too many people have suffered progressive bumps along the way to relent now so the dottering old fools in our Gubmint will brand people as terrorists if you don't agree.

Considering that our last two Presidential candidates were McCain and Romney and Boehner's go along to get along attitude, I'm hard pressed to see where the GOP is moving to the right except in the imaginations of the Leftist media.

These modern day libtards can't stomach even a smidgen of temperance toward anything but pure unadulterated Socialistic programs, environmentalism, anti-capitalistic laws and income redistribution. You try to exert your constitutional rights, your religious freedoms or in any way step on any toes over there in a union camp and you will pay. Don't believe me ?

Dozens of federal agencies now have Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams to further an expanding definition of their missions. It’s not controversial that the Secret Service and the Bureau of Prisons have them. But what about the Department of Agriculture, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Office of Personnel Management, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? All of these have their own SWAT units and are part of a worrying trend towards the militarization of federal agencies — not to mention local police

Take the case of Kenneth Wright of Stockton, Calif., who was “visited” by a SWAT team from the U.S. Department of Education in June 2011. Agents battered down the door of his home at 6 a.m., dragged him outside in his boxer shorts, and handcuffed him as they put his three children (ages 3, 7, and 11) in a police car for two hours while they searched his home. The raid was allegedly intended to uncover information on Wright’s estranged wife, Michelle, who hadn’t been living with him and was suspected of college financial-aid fraud.

The Republican Party has been a total joke since Reagen and until they grow a set a quit trying to appease the left just like Obama appeases his enemies around the world, we will continue to be "sheeple without representation in Government".

Rod Farva

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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60 miles NE of the 'Burgh
That's insane Chip. Years ago I saw a NOAA employee wearing a sidearm and I thought why in the hell did a NOAA guy need to be armed?


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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Interlachen, Florida
That's insane Chip. Years ago I saw a NOAA employee wearing a sidearm and I thought why in the hell did a NOAA guy need to be armed?

The list of agencies—many of which are recent creations—that have their own police forces is staggering. Even the Environmental Protection Agency has its own sworn officers, as does The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). While NOAA only has 63 officers today, the EPA started out with one armed officer in 1978 and as of last year it had 265. There is also the General Services Administration, the Department of Education, Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development—and the list goes on.

Nowhere is the power and reach of the state more acutely felt than in law enforcement. But unless Americans begin to push back against this avalanche of federal police and regulators, the number of people receiving a paycheck to investigate and prosecute average citizens for opaque and even unknowable federal violations will grow dramatically.

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