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NFL Bringing in the Black National Anthem, For the forseeable future.

Black & Gold Bleeder

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Marietta, OH

If you're a person of color. I dont apologize for saying this is bullshit.

If you're a person of color and feel that this is bullshit, i applaud you.
Don't care one way or the other. Don't know why anyone would get wound up about it either. It's not like you actually see the anthem on TV. Only time they actually showed the anthem being played is during the whole faux outrage about Kaepernick.
Sorry, but this was ridiculous when it was done last year and it is just as ridiculous now. There is only ONE National Anthem. Playing a so-called "black national anthem" is the definition of racism. Can we now have a "white national anthem", a "brown national anthem" and one for every race? Our country has one national anthem for all races.
Sorry I thought we were all Americans ....

Will there be a White national anthem?
I am against anything that brings a racial divide. Sometimes before I start discussing a topic in regards to race I ask myself would I discuss the topic with my brother? The answer is usual no as I never care to approach a subject that may offend him. So I prefer the NFL do things that doesn't annoy people. Either way I won't lose any sleep over it.
Promotion of division is just one more reason to not spend money on the NFL. If the Steelers game is not on free tv, I find something else to do.

Well that should be the end of all racism in the country. Thank God!

Well we need a brown,yellow and red national anthems too. Otherwise they're just discriminating and racist. If they don't have an anthem, then by god we need to write one.

If we break it down into bloodlines, we're going to need a whole bunch more. Let's just have an hour long concert before each game of anthems.

If you're a person of color. I dont apologize for saying this is bullshit.

If you're a person of color and feel that this is bullshit, i applaud you.
Lol.......so anyone that doesn’t agree with you is full of it.
Don't care one way or the other. Don't know why anyone would get wound up about it either. It's not like you actually see the anthem on TV. Only time they actually showed the anthem being played is during the whole faux outrage about Kaepernick.
Thumbs up on this. What’s the percentage of black to white? If the black players really feel strongly about this I get the feeling because of the huge majority there is not much choice for the NFL.
Sorry, but this was ridiculous when it was done last year and it is just as ridiculous now. There is only ONE National Anthem. Playing a so-called "black national anthem" is the definition of racism. Can we now have a "white national anthem", a "brown national anthem" and one for every race? Our country has one national anthem for all races.
Just out of curiosity,a couple questions. And I ask just for pure discussion,no judgement and frankly,not sure what the answer is. Do you really think when the anthem was written it was for all races? Written in 1814 during a white mans war,used by the navy starting in 1889 which I am sure was predominantly white,made national anthem in 1931,when let’s face it, the majority of people that weren’t white were **** upon non stop. So when you ask “ Can we now have a white national anthem “ I had to chuckle. If this isn’t a white persons national anthem...........
Smh. This is getting political again. The nfl really wants to turn away fans
While I agree with you,what’s the NFL supposed to do. If the huge majority of the black players want it how can you say no to them. And what’s the big deal if they play it. The players union would have a say as well.

I know this is in the football part of it,but it’s offseason,so just a few more comments if I may.

As I get older,I seem to be giving certain subjects a lot more thought. Racism is one of them. I am a white man. It’s pretty well impossible for me to understand what people of color had and still have to go through. I 100% believe things are changing for the better. Perhaps not as fast as some want,but definitely opportunity is there if you want it.

People do need a little thicker skin. Not everything said is an insult directed right at you. That being said.....I am the son of immigrants. My father immigrated in 1954 from Germany. I was the one of 4 children. For some reason they saddled me with a very Germanic name ( no not Adolf!) Through elementary school I was called a ******* nazi, ******* Kraut,Jew killer,you name it. To say it didn’t bother me would be a lie. But I did develop thicker skin,and learn not to take everything at face value. There are many ignorant people out there,be they white,black,Asian. Of course this pales in comparison to being lynched.

I have traveled to many different countries. As a person in the construction trades,my company,I have worked for many different ethnic groups. I always get a bit of a chuckle,when people or media always portrays the white person as the only racist.

Racism exists in every race. In my experience,the amount of racism that exists between the Chinese against people from India is quite something. The amount of racism that exists between India against the Nepalese is huge. If you don’t think the Chinese community doesn’t put down the black or white man to each other.....well lol.
Gee,you think that in the millions upon millions of people in the black community,that there aren’t racist comments directed towards the white community. Yet it seems the white man is the only racist.

I am writing this during a black eye time in Canadian history. Hundreds upon hundreds,will be soon thousands of unmarked graves of children have being found in the last month. All from the residential schools that the indigenous community was forced to be put in. The children were forcibly taken,beaten,sexually abused,their language,heritage taken away. By the thousands. All under the watchful eye of our Canadian government In cahoots with the ever so wonderful Roman Catholic Church. This makes me sick. I can’t believe how ignorant I was. I knew nothing about this,or maybe just didn’t pay attention. The last school closed in the late 1990’s. Some of our Indigenous community’s don’t even have proper drinking water. While our government is wasting millions hiring consultants to find out what color their fingers turn as they sit on their *****,some communities don’t have drinking water.

I write this also because I am a little bit afraid of what my grandson might encounter. My daughter married a Nepalese man in India. That in itself is another story. The wedding was something else.
My son in law is now in Canada for almost 3 years,and is a great guy. I have my little 2.5 year old grandson all the time. I love him to pieces,he is absolutely beautiful. It’s a predominately white suburb outside of Vancouver,which has a very diverse ethnicity.

I think it’s human nature to turn a blind eye towards things unless you are effected personally. I am now effected personally. I notice all sorts of things differently. Let’s hope all races find much more tolerance with each other.

Ramble over.
sorry steelman two anthems is bullshit. it doesn't matter when the National Anthem was written. Men fought and died to make all people free in this country. Is it perfect, nope, is it systemically racist? Nope. Any man or woman of any color or nationality or sexual orientation or any other way you want to divide them, can achieve their dreams here. You want something, work for it.

I would bet the majority of players don't give a **** about a black national anthem Most might support it only because to vote against it would result in backlash from the supposedly open minded liberals in this country.

All groups do have their racist fucktards that blame all their ills on other races to make up for the lack of drive they themselves suffer from. Those trying to say you can not be racist toward white folks are just as ******* ignorant as white racists.

This is supposed to be the United States of America, ONE Flag, ONE Anthem, ONE Nation which no matter the issues in our history, we are still a symbol of Freedom throughout the world

Lol.......so anyone that doesn’t agree with you is full of it.

Thumbs up on this. What’s the percentage of black to white? If the black players really feel strongly about this I get the feeling because of the huge majority there is not much choice for the NFL.

Just out of curiosity,a couple questions. And I ask just for pure discussion,no judgement and frankly,not sure what the answer is. Do you really think when the anthem was written it was for all races? Written in 1814 during a white mans war,used by the navy starting in 1889 which I am sure was predominantly white,made national anthem in 1931,when let’s face it, the majority of people that weren’t white were **** upon non stop. So when you ask “ Can we now have a white national anthem “ I had to chuckle. If this isn’t a white persons national anthem...........

While I agree with you,what’s the NFL supposed to do. If the huge majority of the black players want it how can you say no to them. And what’s the big deal if they play it. The players union would have a say as well.

I know this is in the football part of it,but it’s offseason,so just a few more comments if I may.

As I get older,I seem to be giving certain subjects a lot more thought. Racism is one of them. I am a white man. It’s pretty well impossible for me to understand what people of color had and still have to go through. I 100% believe things are changing for the better. Perhaps not as fast as some want,but definitely opportunity is there if you want it.

People do need a little thicker skin. Not everything said is an insult directed right at you. That being said.....I am the son of immigrants. My father immigrated in 1954 from Germany. I was the one of 4 children. For some reason they saddled me with a very Germanic name ( no not Adolf!) Through elementary school I was called a ******* nazi, ******* Kraut,Jew killer,you name it. To say it didn’t bother me would be a lie. But I did develop thicker skin,and learn not to take everything at face value. There are many ignorant people out there,be they white,black,Asian. Of course this pales in comparison to being lynched.

I have traveled to many different countries. As a person in the construction trades,my company,I have worked for many different ethnic groups. I always get a bit of a chuckle,when people or media always portrays the white person as the only racist.

Racism exists in every race. In my experience,the amount of racism that exists between the Chinese against people from India is quite something. The amount of racism that exists between India against the Nepalese is huge. If you don’t think the Chinese community doesn’t put down the black or white man to each other.....well lol.
Gee,you think that in the millions upon millions of people in the black community,that there aren’t racist comments directed towards the white community. Yet it seems the white man is the only racist.

I am writing this during a black eye time in Canadian history. Hundreds upon hundreds,will be soon thousands of unmarked graves of children have being found in the last month. All from the residential schools that the indigenous community was forced to be put in. The children were forcibly taken,beaten,sexually abused,their language,heritage taken away. By the thousands. All under the watchful eye of our Canadian government In cahoots with the ever so wonderful Roman Catholic Church. This makes me sick. I can’t believe how ignorant I was. I knew nothing about this,or maybe just didn’t pay attention. The last school closed in the late 1990’s. Some of our Indigenous community’s don’t even have proper drinking water. While our government is wasting millions hiring consultants to find out what color their fingers turn as they sit on their *****,some communities don’t have drinking water.

I write this also because I am a little bit afraid of what my grandson might encounter. My daughter married a Nepalese man in India. That in itself is another story. The wedding was something else.
My son in law is now in Canada for almost 3 years,and is a great guy. I have my little 2.5 year old grandson all the time. I love him to pieces,he is absolutely beautiful. It’s a predominately white suburb outside of Vancouver,which has a very diverse ethnicity.

I think it’s human nature to turn a blind eye towards things unless you are effected personally. I am now effected personally. I notice all sorts of things differently. Let’s hope all races find much more tolerance with each other.

Ramble over.

Nice write up.

People have fought and died for this country of all colors since it's founding. They can take this marxist movement being shoved down our throats and shove it deep.

One of my favorite versions here.

Guess Jimi wasn't woke enough?

Sports unifies people of all colors and backrounds. This woke marxist bs will not. It's absolute rubbish.

I'm not empathetic to millionaires playing victim as if this country is so bad.
What was this guy thinking?

The problem is leftist politicians in this country who refuse to stop using race and class as a weapon of division. For ***** sake we elected Obama twice. He could have been a great unifier,but took the other road every opportunity he got. Par for the course for a mentored marxist with a communist father. You can thank him for our fundamental change sweeping the land. Numerous groups backing marxist ideogies,burning,looting and killing for over 16 months.

Then you have your war zones killing fields. Chicago,Detroit, Baltimore, D.C, Minneapolis, Portland,Philadelphia is now a socialist shithole that looks like hell. Mostly black people slaughtering each other like cattle. Not a soul gives a **** about that.

Maybe these horrible oppressive white people, you know the ones buying tickets? They should stop buying tickets to watch people who hate them and hate the country. You spit in the face of a country who made you rich beyond your wildest dreams. For what? Playing a meaningless game. I can think of so many other professions more deserving of that kind of wage who actually make an impact on society as a whole.

rant over
2 anthems, 52 genders, hyphenated nationalities, and defining ones self based on race, sex, national origin, sexual preference, skin pigmentation, or political affiliation only divides us. Prove me wrong.
There's only one Anthem I'll stand for, and that's the National Anthem.

So I take a knee when they play the Black National Anthem since I'm a slovak?
Cool, it gives me something to kneel for too. Equality for all. :towel:
I’d give a rat’s *** if I hadn’t already came to the realization years ago that the NFL is a pandering ***, cash grab overseen by a totalitarian criminal leadership driven to bob and slob all over whatever will make its next dollar...common *** street ***** that ain’t even got any front teeth anymore

The only thing good about the NFL is the Steelers... as hard as they (the shield) try to make me break the habit...I quit buying anything they sell years ago until things change...which not a damn chance from what I’m seeing