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Should Tyreek Hill even be in the NFL?

Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
I hear ya'...but what Mixon did was beyond understandable.
He didn't have to cold **** the much smaller girl. You better have a damm good excuse for doing that to a female that is literally half of your weight.
Sorry, can't accept that one. It's not like it was heresay. The video speaks for itself.

Should the lady be cited as well? Absolutely.
However, no excuse for what Mixon did. NONE

Men need to practice restraint. It's part of the job of being a man.

I guess my issue is more with the SJW/PC/Feminist types and their double standard. They're pushing female infantry soldiers into This Man's Army and saying women are just as capable as men, they should have whatever jobs we have. If THAT was truly the case, then this drunk broad's not a victim and like Ronda Rousy she should learn to keep her hands up.

But from my point of view it isn't the case, and we need to get real about what women can and can't do. You can have equal rights without denying the laws of physics.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Like others, I believe in second chances. However, no one talks about what he did and yet we have articles last week on stuff from Ben's past for which he was never charged. This guy is guilty yet it's as if it went away. Also, Ray Rice was out of the league over something perhaps not as heinous as what Hill did.

Had to tidy that one up a little bit