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First Take in Latrobe today



First of all, Max Kellerman replaced Skip Bayless and I think he was the right choice. He has good takes and fine analogies and seems to nail most topics.

So, the crew is in Latrobe and they interviewed AB, D Will and Tomlin.

Nothing real revealing. D Will said he thinks lots of 33 year old backs would do well if given the chance. No one really bought that nor did I.

Of course, a little too much time was spent on the fact Bryant will miss the year and Bell will miss 4 games. Also too much time on AB being underpaid. Yea, those subjects have been beaten to death by us, but I guess if you are giving the Steelers national shine, you have to cover them.

Steelers ranked as 3rd best team in SI and Stephen A said that was too high and they were 5th highest at best.